Numen the Slayer (Magnus Dynasty Saga Book 1) Read online

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  Enraged, Viktor defiantly snarled, “May the Gods damn you!”

  Robar and his men burst into laughter at Viktor’s words. Then Robar replied, “Such typical behavior. If I had a gold florin every time someone says that to me, I would be the wealthiest king in the Empire.”

  His anger unabated, Viktor coldly said, “You are not worthy of the crown you wear!”

  Robar’s eyes displayed a sadistic gleam as he kneeled in front of Viktor and whispered, “Is that treason I hear?”

  Viktor refused to speak and simply stared at Robar with venomous contempt.

  Licking his crooked teeth, Robar asked, “Where is your son?”

  The question filled Viktor with a glimmer of hope. It was clear that one or more of his children somehow escaped Robar’s clutches. Involuntarily, Viktor smiled.

  At that moment, Robar’s sadistic glee was replaced with petulant rage as he growled, “You dare smile at me, whelp? I would have you know that your youngest son and daughter are nice and dead.” Turning to his men, Robar ordered, “Chop off the bitch’s arms and legs! Then hang her and put her corpse on display above the battlements!”

  Aura screamed as Robar’s men grabbed her and dragged her away back into what remained of Magnus Keep. Outrage filled Viktor’s heart when he saw Aura taken away. What angered him more was the fact that two of his children were dead and another’s fate is unknown.

  Robar returned his attention back to Viktor and regained his sinister grin, declaring, “She was just a common household whore so her death will be for commoners. Since you’re a baron . . . your death will be more special. Do you know what my family’s tradition is?”

  Viktor shivered at Robar’s question and chilling fear washed over him like a blizzard.

  Noticing Viktor’s anxiety, Robar continued, “For centuries, my ancestors performed the glorious art of eating the flesh of our enemies. By ingesting their flesh, we would add their life and power to our own. Since you are the true Emperor, if I devour you, I will gain the power to overthrow House Sylva, and take the Imperial Throne for myself. The bodies of your children will be an additional bonus and will be baked into a pie as my dessert.

  However, why don’t we make it more fun and worthwhile? Let’s go on a hunt. I will release you into the woods outside of this castle, count to thirty, and hunt you down. If you can evade me, then you get to keep your flesh. If I win, your flesh is mine! Now go! One!”

  As Robar started counting, Viktor rose to his feet and ran into the woods as fast as he could. Within moments, the fires consuming Magnus Keep disappeared in the shadows of the trees. Viktor’s breathing became so frequent and hypnotic, he lost track of time. Then his thoughts changed to his children, imagining how two of them suffered Robar’s wrath while the third was supposedly in the wretched world they lived in.

  Suddenly, Viktor felt something strike him from behind, causing him to stumble and fall to his knees. In an instant, Viktor found that he had trouble breathing and sharp pain burned in his chest. He looked down and gasped in shock when he saw an arrow sticking out of the right side of his chest. The world around Viktor began to slowly fade until he eventually saw Robar walk in front of him with a meat cleaver in his right and a longbow in his left.

  The meat cleaver was a frightening weapon to behold. Its edge was slightly rusty with blood stains while its handle was carved from human bone. Overall, the cleaver looked as though it should be in the hands of a demon instead of a butcher.

  Barely conscious, Viktor saw Robar raise his meat cleaver and declared, “You will make a luscious meal for me.”

  Then the meat cleaver came down and Viktor’s world vanished . . .


  The Imperial capital of Chrysos appeared to be the pinnacle of civilization at first glance. It was a vast walled city that included buildings with and ancient yet regal architecture. Its more important buildings towered over the rest of the structures. However, despite the city’s apparent majesty, its streets were inhabited by over one million people who were living under to boot of the city guard who patrolled the grounds. Outside of the city was a large harbor that led to the geographically defensible Gilded Bay and to the Faemor Sea.

  The tallest monument in Chrysos was the Imperial Palace itself, which was constructed from a hollowed out mountain over one thousand feet high. It was surrounded by a circular moat that separated the Palace from the mainland by one hundred feet in every direction. The Palace itself covered over a thousand meters of ground, making it the largest fortress in all of Gradaia. Rather than being one building, the Imperial Palace consisted of five colossal towers and curtain walls that were over one hundred feet high. Its stables housed a herd of a thousand horses, its gardens each covered more than twenty acres, and its kitchens were as large as an average castle’s great hall. In addition, there were dozens of courtyards on the Palace grounds. Within the Imperial Palace lived a population of forty thousand and a garrison of ten thousand men.

  Inside the Imperial Palace High Prince Autem Sylva walked down the halls of the Imperial Palace with purposeful steps. Along the halls stood the palace guards, who wore gold plate armor, red cloaks, and ornamental spears decorated with gilded tassels. They stood silently against the walls like living statues waiting to awaken.

  As he moved through the Imperial Palace, Autem was still amazed by the enormously spacious chambers it possessed. They were large enough to hold between a dozen people to hundreds. There were priceless works of art ranging from portraits, ceremonial weapons, and marble statues. Everything in the Imperial Palace was the embodiment of wealth and power. It was a setting that put a wide smile on Autem’s face.

  Autem passed the guards without a single glance until he reached a pair of large doors made of golden wood. Impatient to enter, Autem pushed the towering doors open to reveal a vast throne room. The throne room was big enough to accommodate hundreds of people. It was an elegant chamber with walls made of mirrors and masterfully crafted statues made from precious metals. At the back of the room were three thrones; one made of gold in the center, one made of silver on the right, and one made of bronze on the left.

  Sitting on the gold throne was Autem’s father, Emperor Gregor Sylva. Emperor Gregor was a morbidly obese toad of a man in his mid-forties. He was dressed robes made of silk colored red and gold; the colors of House Sylva. On top of his balding head was a gilded crown decorated with rubies along its rim and protrusions that looked a collection of horns. The very sight of his father disgusted Autem beyond words.

  In front of Emperor Gregor was Autem’s older brother, Crown Prince Edgar Sylva. Edgar was strong and athletic with a handsome face and was a few inches taller than Autem. Like Autem and Emperor Gregor, Edgar possessed the traditional Sylva features of silver hair and aqua-colored eyes. A smile appeared on Autem’s face when he noticed his brother was distressed.

  “Father, we have to find my sons! They are my heirs to the Imperial Throne!” Edgar demanded.

  Wheezing before belching, Gregor replied, “Can’t you make more heirs? You’re young enough to do so.”

  Outraged, Edgar shouted, “How can you say that, father? They’re your grandsons!”

  Shrugging lazily, Gregor countered, “Ask me if I care.”

  Autem approached Edgar and said, “Brother, I came to inform you that my spies have a lead on the whereabouts of your sons.”

  Edgar looked at Autem with a glimmer of hope in his aqua eyes and eagerly asked, “Where are they?”

  Gulping hard, Autem answered, “They are in the clutches of the Coven at the Dead Moat.”

  Edgar shivered at Autem’s words before angrily declaring, “What are we waiting for? Let’s go, Brother!”

  Edgar stormed past Autem towards the chamber entrance. Autem paused a moment when he saw his wife Agatha enter the throne room carrying a chalice of wine on a silver plate. Agatha was a regal woman with blond hair and green eyes and visibly pregnant with Autem’s first child.

  Agatha presen
ted the wine to Gregor and said, “The hippocras you requested, My Emperor.”

  Without expressing gratitude, Gregor belched again before taking the chalice and drinking it. Agatha and Autem exchanged knowing looks before Autem left the throne room to join his brother . . .

  __ __ __

  Autem and Edgar rode vigorously on horseback through the dark forest, determined to rescue the High Princes. They were both clad in gold plate armor and flowing red cloaks while their swords strapped to their belts. The further they went, the more they felt the woodland creatures watching them.

  Autem was surprised when his brother asked, “What do you know about these Coven scum?”

  Autem shrugged his shoulders and replied, “From what my informants tell me, they were founded a while ago by bandits, peasants, and attainted nobles. Their only purpose is to strike at the Imperial family and their allies. As such, they spent years raiding our gold mines and attacking our supply lines. If we find your sons, we might be able to wipe out the Coven once and for all. Father would be so pleased if that happens.”

  An arrogant sneer appeared on Edgar’s lips when he declared, “Just the two of us, High Princes, against those rabble, huh? I love those odds! I will mount their heads on spikes from the Dead Moat’s battlements! Let’s go!”

  After that exchange, the two brothers rode forth with increased haste. Within moments, they reached their destination. The Dead Moat was a ruined fortress with a collapsed keep and crumbling walls. Surrounding the skeletal stronghold was a moat filled with dark, scummy water. At first glance, the Dead Moat seemed abandoned, but Autem and Edgar were determined to find the missing High Princes.

  As they entered the fortress’s demolished gates, they were greeted by an unnatural silence. There was no one inside the ruin that could be seen. It was so dim that the only light that could be seen was the moon shining in the night sky.

  With an impatient tone, Edgar demanded, “Are you sure your informants said my sons were here? I don’t see anyone anywhere!”

  Something caught Autem’s eye that filled him with dread. Autem pointed above and said, “Brother . . . look up there!”

  Both brothers looked in the same direction to find something horrendous. Two young boys, one twelve and the other nine, were stripped nude and hung from gallows on what remained of the battlements. At that moment, Autem and Edgar realized that the two boys were the corpses of Edgar’s missing sons.

  Edgar screamed in anguish as he fell to his knees with tears streaming from his eyes. All of a sudden, Autem heard movement in the surrounding shadows. The supposed phantoms then materialized into dozens of figures wearing black hooded cloaks and featureless masks. In the attackers’ hands were a wide array of weapons ranging from swords, axes, and billhooks.

  “The Coven!” Autem shouted before drawing his sword.

  Edgar drew his sword and joined his brother against the assailants with inhuman ferocity.

  Edgar’s sword, in particular, was a very special weapon for it was the ancestral Aetherian Steel sword of House Sylva, Gryphclaw. Gryphclaw possessed an intricately crafted gold hilt with fishtail pommel and decorated with emeralds. The blade itself was shinier than any silver without a single blemish on it and emitted a faint glow. When Gryphclaw collided with the Coven’s weapons, it cut deeper than any steel by severing multiple blades on impact. Autem was always amazed at the strength and power Gryphclaw possessed. It was a weapon worthy of an emperor.

  Autem’s foes evaded his sword strikes until one of them hit him in the back with the pommel of their sword, forcing him to the ground. A jolt of pain shot through his spine as he struggled to get up. He watched his brother fight valiantly before he was overwhelmed by the Coven’s sheer numbers.

  Autem and Edgar found themselves on their knees, the Coven surrounding them. One member of the Coven emerged from the crowd and loomed over Autem and Edgar like and angel of death.

  Edgar spat at the Coven and snarled, “You bastards killed my sons! I’ll have all your heads on spikes!”

  The Coven leader remained silent before turning his attention to Autem and declared, “All has gone according to plan, Your Imperial Majesty.”

  At that moment, Autem developed a sinister smile and made his move. He rose to his feet and stood beside the Coven leader. Autem relished the look of confusion and betrayal on his brother’s face.

  Outraged and heartbroken, Edgar asked, “Why, Brother?”

  Autem’s smile was replaced with venomous contempt when he replied, “Because you, father, and your sons are not worthy to be emperor. You and father have spent years squandering the Imperial Treasury on feasts, tourneys, and parties while the Empire leans ever closer to financial ruin. Even worse, you were both too arrogant and pampered to notice that the public was plotting to rebel because of your corruption. Your sons were just as bad because they were picking up your wretched habits.

  Fortunately, once I came of age, I started forming my own network of spies and bankers to keep an eye on our enemies and bankrupt them when necessary to reimburse the Imperial Treasury. For seven years, we kept the Empire from imploding because of your incompetence. However, we can only keep this up if you, father, and your wretched sons are removed. Gradaia needs an emperor who knows what he is doing instead of another decadent pig to push it further into ruin.”

  Enraged and confused, Edgar asked, “You betrayed me and killed my sons for power?”

  Autem scoffed at Edgar’s question and countered, “Don’t be absurd! It’s not about power! It’s about securing our family’s future as the Imperial Family! In order for our dynasty to survive, the weak members must be culled from the herd!”

  Scowling, Edgar pointed out, “Even if you get rid of me and my sons, you still have to deal with father! When he finds out about what you’ve done he will have you drawn and quartered!”

  The Coven laughed with Autem as he replied, “Don’t worry about father. Before we left, my wife Agatha gave him his nightly hippocras with a little extra ingredient. He drank a very rare poison called the Angel’s Dream. It leaves no trace of its presence and makes it look as though the victim dies of naturally causes. By morning, it will be like he died of either a heart attack or stroke.”

  “Even if you kill us all, what makes you think the barons and kings will ever follow you?” Edgar demanded fiercely.

  Instead of answering, Autem snapped his fingers. As he did so, all of the Coven members removed their hoods and masks. Edgar was dumbstruck when he recognized the faces of the Coven.

  Triumphantly, Autem declared, “As you can see, the barons and kings are behind me. They have also grown displeased with father’s rule and fear the same of you and your sons.”

  Edgar remained silent, but displayed an expression of bitter hatred towards Autem and his accomplices.

  A thought came to Autem’s mind and he said, “What if I offer you a chance to avenge your sons and father by fighting me to the death? Whoever wins will become emperor.”

  Edgar smiled arrogantly and viciously boasted, “Very well! I know what kind of fighter you are! You won’t stand a chance against me, boy!”

  “We’ll see. Let him up, give him his weapon, and give us space to fight.”

  The barons obeyed Autem’s orders and the two brothers found themselves on either side of a wide ring with swords in their hands. For several moments, Autem and Edgar took aggressive stances as they circled one another, searching for a weakness in each other’s defenses.

  Then Edgar made his move and attempted to swing Gryphclaw at Autem with an aggressive two-handed strike. However, Autem utilized a one-handed style that easily deflected the blow and spun out of Edgar’s way. After Edgar stumbled briefly, Autem returned to a defensive stance.

  Autem was familiar with the properties of Aetherian Steel. Legend claimed that it was made from fallen stars and that every king in Gradaia possessed one as symbols of their status. It was stronger, sharper, and lighter than normal steel. As a result, it could cut thr
ough almost anything. The only weapon that could rival Aetherian Steel was the legendary Imperial sword Gramfyre itself. However, Autem knew the weakness of Aetherian Steel weapons. Normal steel could not directly block or strike Aetherian Steel without damaging itself. Instead, Autem used cunning, agility, and skill to counter his brother’s brute strength technique without harming his own blade.

  Edgar charged at Autem again, but Autem easily deflected Gryphclaw before lightly slicing his brother in the chest. Edgar grunted in surprise as he grasped his wound. Instead of continuing his assault, Autem took a step back and waited for Edgar’s next move. Enraged, Edgar attempted to swing at Autem, but Autem redirected the strike before swiping at his brother’s face. Edgar howled in agony as Autem delivered a deep cut along his right cheek and into his eye.

  Clutching the injured side of his face with one hand, Edgar tried to swing at Autem with his other arm. With a flick of his wrist, Autem knocked Gryphclaw out of Edgar’s hand, sending the sword flying over the wall. With his brother disarmed, Autem took Edgar down with two final maneuvers. One slash cut into Edgar’s right side while the second one cut diagonally across Edgar’s back as he fell. Afterwards, Edgar collapsed facedown.

  Wounded and bested, Edgar desperately tried to force himself back up, but Autem stopped him by pointing the tip of his sword at Edgar’s throat. The two brothers locked eyes with one another for several tense moments.

  Autem grinned confidently and declared, “Looks like the Gods have chosen the rightful emperor.”

  After those words, all of the surrounding barons and kings erupted in applause.

  Then Autem withdrew his blade from Edgar’s throat and ordered, “Chop off his arms and legs! Then dump the rest of him into a barrel full of wine! It’s only fitting since you liked to drink so much!”

  On command, half a dozen men grabbed Edgar by the arms and dragged him off, axes in hand.